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Writer's pictureGarrett

5 Best Books To Read or Reread in 2023 to Improve Your Life!

So we all know that reading is the best way to expand your mind, escape from the reality of this life or just to pass the time. I know you are just interested in know what are the best books to read in 2023 to improve your life so Ill get right to it!

So for the year 2023 my goal is to improve my life in all aspects and this includes attempting to get as close to a work life balance as possible! Who wouldn't want to improve their quality of life? Who doesn't wanna make more money? Who doesn't want to feel like they are actually achieving their goals? So these books focus on changing my mindset, so I can apply discipline to my life and achieving the goals I have set out for the new year. I have dropped a link for each book, after my thoughts so you can order your own copy as well as any other links associated with the book that I find pertinent. Enjoy!!


Book1: Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Excuting, & Self-Discipline (Live a Disciplined Life) by Peter Hollins

I have not read any of these titles yet but this one caught my solely on the notes from the publisher. "Side effects may in crude mastery over your own psychology and achieving all of your goals." This right here... ok I'm sold. Let me open a page or two, haha. By this it doesnt seem like the normal help book there they say, "Hey, just believe in yourself!" I am pretty sure if it was that easy then I wouldn't be writing this now would I?

I would love to hear your thoughts when you are done reading this title. Or if you have already read this, comment below let me know what you thought!

Publisher for this Edition: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (March 18, 2018)

Language: English

Paperback: 206 Pages

Best Sellers Rank: #18799 in Books

#29 in Popular Applied Psychology

#29 in Emotional Mental Health

#336 in Success Self-Help

Customer Reviews: 4.5 out of 5 stars (1876 reviews on Amazon)

Book 2: THINK STRAIGHT: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Darius Foroux

This one spoke to me right off the bat when reading the information on I am constantly thinking. When I say constantly, I mean it. I am going through 20 rabbit holes to get to why the chicken crossed the road. This is not healthy (in my opinion). This train of thought and the useless thoughts I have throughout the day sometimes even cause me to not sleep. Again I have not read any of these books, but from what I got this book is here to help improve my thinking. “Help me take control” of my mind. That is enough for me to crack the book open. What is even better is on the Kindle Edition its only 82 pages!! You can read that before you lay down for bed or on that short flight you have to family. Have you read this title? Let me know your thoughts! Worth the read?


Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 14th, 2018

Language: English

Paperback: 99 pages

Best Sellers Rank: #79801 in Books

#923 in Happiness Self-Help

Customer Reviews: 4.3 out of 5 stars (3366 reviews on Amazon)

Book 3: How to Raise Your Own Salary by Napoleon Hill

Ok…Hold up… I can do what?? Who makes this bold statement on the title? I have got to check this book out. Now, it is quite a read with 310 pages for the paperback but if it pays off it will be worth it! 4.45 stars on After reading a little information on the book I found that it may be not what I am expecting. Although with the theme of these books there may be a method to the madness. This is (in my own understanding of the brief information) another way to change your mindset. Being able to set goals and actually achieve it. Have you read this title? Comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts on how this reads.


Publisher The Napoleon Hill Foundation (December 5th, 2011

Language: English

Paperback 310 pages

Best Sellers Rank: #402,685 in Books

#4468 in Success Self-Help

#7503 in Motivational Self-Help

Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 stars (604 reviews on Amazon)

Book 4: The Big Questions of Life by Om Swami

This one should be interesting. Again I have not read any of these titles so I am speculating, but this book seems to piggy back on the negative side of life. Still we are assumably changing our mind sets but in the way to take on adversity. “Life isn’t certain.” Very true. The one thing I have always instilled in my really good friend is to know that the unexpected will absolutely happen! When we worked together every so often I would have to have a pep talk because all of the “unexpected” things would happen and would not be able to complete his other duties. So the way around this is was to create a way to complete what will happen by leaving the space for the unexpected to happen. At that point it is controlled. This may not be the same thought process as the book but I would love to look at a new way to overcome and continue along. Have you read this? What are your thoughts?


Publisher: OM Swami Meditations (December 10, 2021

Language: English

Paperback: 200 pages

Best Sellers Rank: #78521 in Books

#1702 in Personal Transformation Self-Help

#13927 in Religion & Spirituality

Customer Reviews: 4.7 out of 5 Stars (441 Reviews on Amazon)

Book 5: The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life Master Any Skill or Challenge by learning to Love the Process by Thomas M. Sterner

Honestly I believe there are two types of people in the world. People that love “The process” and those that love “The destination.” I am a little of both. When I paint I get frustrated because I want to have the finished product and be able to feel the emotion from the piece. Why cant I just hook my brain up to a machine and poof the machine create what I am thinking (No not AI generators). Its the instant gratification. This world has definitely moved towards. When everything is at your fingertips in less than a min. From my short read This is exactly what I think this book is about. Basically, we have lossed the will for taking on a Journey and being ok to fail. We know what we want and we get go it. This book sounds as if it will bring back that “trial and error” process we had as a kid. Hopefully by bringing this thought process back I would be able to slow down and not rush but enjoy the the process. In turn if this is what the Title is about I could see how ones work ethics and over all life could be more fulfilled. I am really excited to read this. What are your thoughts? Leave a comment on what you took away from this title.


Publisher: New World Library; Reprint edition (April 10, 2012)

Language: English

Paperback: 168 pages

Best Sellers Rank: #74560 in Books

#25 in Educational Psychology

#1122 in Success Self-Help

#1624 in Personal Transformation Self-Help

Customer Reviews 4.6 out of 5 stars (1235 reviews on Amazon)

Bonus Book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

We all love BONUS material. Here is title that I have actually started. I will tell you that this book is not for the faint of heart. I am not very far into it but this book has said the word “F*ck” probably 83 times. And I don’t think I went through the first Chapter. But with all that being said I already know this is the book I need! Add this Title to your list of books for 2023 to completely circle back and reinforce the change in mind set that needs to occur in order to Improve your life! If you have not read this yet make sure its on your list. If you have, what do you think? Your Cup of tea? No? Either way I would love to hear about your thought process on this book.

Publisher: Harper; 2nd Edition (September 13, 2016

Language: English

Hardcover: 224 pages

Best Sellers Rank: #186 in Books

#3 in Happiness Self-Help

#5 in Success Self-Help

#6 in Motivational Self-Help

Customer Reviews 4.6 out of 5 Stars (82568 reviews on Amazon)

I really hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think. I am not sure in which order I should read them but if you have read any of these titles leave a comment below and share what you thought. Share if you have any other books I should crack open.

Garrett H. (11/29/2023)


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Garrett Hofmann

I am an Oklahoma Artist that has has a passion to create. Whether it be painting, building or even writing. As long as I create, I am happy. I hope you enjoy!

Love what you do & JustCREATE

-Garrett Hofmann

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